YESHIE** Chapter 4


I can‘t forget Yeshie‘s delightful laughter—that boy could find humor in almost any situation!  Like the time some poor old farmer was leading his elderly cow down the middle of the street. Yon bovine decided to do her best imitation of Shrek, letting out a blast of gas with full bass accompaniment. Yeshie laughed so hard he had tears streaming down his cheeks, and for the rest of the week, multiple times a day, he would chirp, “Better out than in!“ and break into peals of laughter!


And then there was that time in the middle of a super-hot summer that Joe decided a trip to the lake was in order. I had been there years ago with my parents, and he had gone a time or two before we got married, but this would be the first time for Yeshie. He was about four years old, and when we got there, he was a little puzzled about walking in the sand–the sinking/shooshing feeling took some getting used to, as did the presence of SO MUCH water!! But after about two minutes, he skipped out to the lake’s edge and started splashing through the gentle on-again/off-again waves, laughing and squealing, “Look, look, look!!! I’m walking on the water!!”

**YESHIE: Imaginative Tales of a Mother as Told by Another / amf

About Kristín Jakobssdóttir

I am an American woman living in Iceland with my husband and our six children (now grown). I am a Lay Missionary of Charity and very active in the Catholic Church, especially in Missionary Families of Christ, MISSIO, and pro-life work. I have degrees in Anthropology and Linguistics, though I do not utilize them professionally. I write prose, poetry, seminars, and music.
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