YESHIE** Chapter 2

Yeshie loved to sing, and the songs he liked best were about God.  He made up a peppy one about Creation, sort of like “There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea,“ but his version went:

There‘s a HOLE where there ISn‘t any-WHERE! There‘s a HOLE where there ISn‘t any-WHERE!

       There‘s a HOLE—there‘s a HOLE—

       there‘s a HOLE where they ISn‘t any-WHERE!

There‘s a LIGHT and a NIGHT in the hole where there WASn‘t anywhere…

       There‘s a LIGHT and a NIGHT in the hole where there WASn‘t anywhere…

       There‘s a LIGHT and a NIGHT,

       there‘s a HOLE, there‘s a HOLE,

       there‘s a HOLE where there WASn‘t any-where!

And so forth, with Land and Seas, Plants and Trees, Sun and Moon, Fish and Birds, Rams and Bulls, and finally, Adam and Eve…. It puts a smile on my face whenever I realize I‘m singing it to myself. He‘s always been creative with words!

   Each day brought delightful surprises.  Once when he was around seven, I came inside from hanging the laundry, and there he was with gray ashes smeared all over his face and neck. “What‘s with the face paint?“ I asked. “Eema,“ (that‘s his name for me) “when can I grow a REAL beard like Papa Joe‘s?“ I had to chuckle—children always want to grow up so fast!

** Yeshie: Imaginative Tales of a Mother as Told by Another / amf

About Kristín Jakobssdóttir

I am an American woman living in Iceland with my husband and our six children (now grown). I am a Lay Missionary of Charity and very active in the Catholic Church, especially in Missionary Families of Christ, MISSIO, and pro-life work. I have degrees in Anthropology and Linguistics, though I do not utilize them professionally. I write prose, poetry, seminars, and music.
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